#NanoPoblano Day #18

November 22, 2023
Catching a goldfish underwater with a bare hand,Catch goldfish by hand.

Fish Love –

“Goldfish kings will eat from your hand.” Rose dangles her arthritic fingers in the aquarium, struggling to ignore sparks ignited by this grey-haired, blue-eyed customer. “Grab the food.”

Sebastian hides his tremors from the lovely lady in a worn, yellow smock. Gathering food pellets, he says, “My apartment’s so lifeless now that my wife’s gone. I need pets.” He reaches into the water but fumbles the food to the bottom. The fish scatter. “Sorry.”

Rose clasps his fingers. “It’s ok.” She lifts their hands from the water, reluctant to let go. “We’ll try again.”

Sebastian returns her smile. “Yes, ma’am.”

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