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 and powerful.

Typewriter With the Text Write Your Story

Developmental Editing

Some people think of editing as fixing grammar and spelling. But the first stage of editing is developmental: strengthening the story itself by attending to elements like characterization, pacing, dialogue, plot, structure, narrative style, genre conventions, etc. Developmental edits include a detailed editorial letter and in-manuscript comments. For ongoing support, check out my Coaching page.

Developmental editing rate for novels and novellas: $10 per 1,000 words (e.g., $600 for 60,000 words). This covers one pass and a one-hour Zoom call to talk about it. Fee for additional passes/calls can be discussed.

Prices are good through December 31, 2024. See note below regarding discounts.

Keyboard With Flying Key Cap

Copy / Line Editing+

In addition to correcting grammar, spelling, usage, consistency, etc., I indicate anything that pulls me out of the story: usually pacing and sentence structure issues. I teach as I edit, explaining problems and suggesting improvements. I work in Microsoft Word, using Track Changes and Comments.

Copy/line editing rate for novels, novellas, and nonfiction books: $7 per 1,000 words (e.g., $420 for 60,000 words) for manuscripts without an abundance of sentence structure errors. This covers one pass and an optional one-hour Zoom. If you need extra help to write clear sentences, I’ll need to charge more for the additional hours involved. In all cases, I’ll do a free 10-page edit first to see if we’re a good match.

Prices are good through December 31, 2024.

See note below regarding discounts.

Scene Outline Review: Excavate the Power in Your Story 

Whether you’re a dedicated outliner or a pantser who creates a reverse outline for this project, let’s dig into that scene-by-scene outline to look for:

  • Plot holes
  • Idea seeds you planted but didn’t develop
  • Places where you skate on the surface but can go deeper for more meaning and power
  • Any other mysteries we might uncover.

Send me your outline, first three chapters if you have them, and synopsis if you have one. I’ll send you back comments, then we can have one Zoom or phone call. I’ll ask lots of questions to help you zero in on where power lives in your story and where it may be hiding.

Outline Review rates for existing manuscript drafts:

  • Up to 60,000 words—$125
  • 60,001—100,000 words—$175
  • 100,001—150,000—$225
  • Anything beyond that—let’s talk about it.

Have an undeveloped idea you’d like help fleshing out? Let’s talk about it.

Prices are good through December 31, 2024. See note below regarding discounts.

Short Stories

I’ve edited nearly 30 short stories in the past six months, and I have another 30 lined up so far this year. It’s fun, so I want to highlight it here as a service.

Developmental editing – helping you strengthen and deepen the story itself by attending to characters, plot, pacing, conflict, etc.

Copy/line editing – helping your story read smoothly and effectively by addressing sentence structure, pacing from a different perspective, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and anything else that pulls me out of the story.

Charging by the word doesn’t work with short fiction, so I have hourly rates:

  • $60/hour for developmental editing
  • $50/hour for copy/line editing

As an example, the stories I did recently – about 5,000 words; line editing with some developmental thrown in – took about 3 hours each. Of course, that will vary depending on length and the shape the story is in.

Prices are good through December 31, 2024.

The good news is that once I edit one short story for you, you’re eligible for a returning client discount.

Old Typewriter

Manuscript Evaluation

A manuscript evaluation is a close read and big-picture assessment of your novel or novella, detailed in an editorial letter. It points out strengths and weaknesses and suggests strategies for revision. It does not offer in-manuscript comments.

Manuscript evaluation rate: $7 per 1,000 words (e.g., $420 for 60,000 words). This covers one pass and an optional one-hour Zoom call to talk about it.

Price is good through December 31, 2024. 

See note below regarding discounts.

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