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It's time to tell your story.
Let's get started.
What Is A Writing / Book Coach?
A book coach helps you with the process of creating your book. An editor comes in after the book is written; a book coach can join you at the beginning or along the way to help you conceive of and develop your story. A book coach is partly a project manager, helping you develop and stick to your plan for producing your book. She’s a sounding board for the times you get stuck – the person who won’t get tired of hearing you talk about your story. She understands the novel-writing process and knows what you’re going through. She knows how to ask the targeted questions that open those stuck places. She knows how to push you to go deeper with your story to write an even more engaging, memorable book. She both nurtures and challenges you. Working with a book coach gets you developmental edits and a lot more.
A writing coach does the same thing but without necessarily focusing on a specific book or project. It can be the same process applied to a short story, for example. It also can be pulling you up out of the pit of “writer’s block” or whatever barriers keep you from writing or submitting your work. A writing coach helps you develop strategies for moving forward, for strengthening your voice and your story vision, for not giving up. She helps you identify fears that hold you back, take on imposter syndrome, etc. She’s there to care about your writing as much as you do.
Coaching Rates (information coming)
An As-yet Unnamed Development Support Package
Encompassing the descriptions above under book and writing coaching
NaNoWriMo Draft – Now What??
Working together to turn that NaNo mess into a coherent, great story. (I have one of my own to sort out.)
Blueprint for a Book ™
Author Accelerator’s 17-step process to help you conceive of your story before you start writing or even once it’s underway. Works for plotters and pantsers and in-betweeners.
Scene Outline Review: Excavate the Power in Your Story
Whether you’re a dedicated outliner or a pantser who creates a reverse outline for this project, let’s dig into that scene-by-scene outline to look for:
- Plot holes
- Idea seeds you planted but didn’t develop
- Places where you skate on the surface but can go deeper for more meaning and power
- Any other mysteries we might uncover.
Send me your outline, first three chapters if you have them, and synopsis if you have one. I’ll send you back comments, then we can have one Zoom or phone call. I’ll ask lots of questions to help you zero in on where power lives in your story and where it may be hiding.
Outline Review (not manuscript reading) rates for existing manuscript drafts:
- Up to 60,000 words—$175
- 60,001—100,000 words—$225
- 100,001—150,000—$275
- Anything beyond that—let’s talk about it.
Have an undeveloped idea you’d like help fleshing out? Let’s talk about it.
Prices are good through December 31, 2025. See note below regarding discounts.
Manuscript Evaluation
A manuscript evaluation is a close read and big-picture assessment of your novel or novella, detailed in an editorial letter. It points out strengths and weaknesses and suggests strategies for revision. It does not offer in-manuscript comments.
Manuscript evaluation rate: 1.2 cents per word (e.g., $720 for 60,000 words). This covers one pass and an optional one-hour Zoom call to talk about it.
Price is good through December 31, 2025.
See note below regarding discounts.