Month: November 2023

  • #NanoPoblano Day #18

    November 22, 2023
    Fish Love – “Goldfish kings will eat from your hand.” Rose dangles her arthritic fingers in the aquarium, struggling to…
  • #NanoPoblano Day #17

    November 21, 2023
    Your One Wild & Precious Life - Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash
  • #NanoPoblano Day #16

    November 21, 2023
    Life Lessons from Dwight Shrute -
  • #NanoPoblano Day #15

    November 21, 2023
    Responsibility to Break the Silence - There was a meme going around with the words on this card, but it…
  • #NanoPoblano Day #14

    November 21, 2023
    The Storymatic – I'm a sucker for a box of cards with meditations, writing prompts, etc. This onehas 500 cards…
  • #NanoPoblano Day #13

    November 21, 2023
    Bang, Bang – I had an impressive collection of guns when I was six. They were no more real than…
  • #NanoPoblano Day #12

    November 21, 2023
    Upon observing an adult literacy class – Tonight in this city a child sits in her mother’s lap and listensto…
  • #NanoPoblano Day #11

    November 21, 2023
    “Imagine you’re an animal. What are you feeling?” – Normally I hate this kind of writing prompt because my mind…
  • #NanoPoblano Day #10

    November 21, 2023
    What does it mean to feel whole? – On Day #3 I wrote about how my creativity group had the…
  • #NanoPoblano Day #9

    November 21, 2023
    A Great Inspiration - I first learned of Dorothy Day at a memorial service in New York City, not long…
  • #NanoPoblano Day #8

    November 21, 2023
    I missed yesterday from being too tired. Binged several episodes of "Six Feet Under" instead. I'm at the point where…
  • #NanoPoblano Day #7

    November 21, 2023
    Resting – In bed with a fever from a flu vaccination yesterday, so no post from me today. I hope…

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